I'm From Indonesia, wants to ask something about secure web / pwAdmin 1. how to decrypt passsword using base64code, dor see real password 2. how to secure / limit IP access for pwAdmin/ iweb 3. How to limit amount of cuby 4. how to delete amount cuby on player I'm sorry if it bothers you this question for the attention I would like to thank
Work Perfect: D usefull for world chat: D How to add rules for nomal chat/ party chat / guild chat / horn chat ?
it's normal ?? http://joxi.ru/Ra2XxwPau1DN2g my badworld.txt : anjing babi binatang bodoh kampang kampank kontol khontol konthol memek m3m3k nonok patek phantek panthek peler pepek pepeq pilat setan tempek tempeq tetek teteq tolol bodoh pler laso l4s0 las0 tempek vagina va-j-j vjayjay wetback whore Memek M3m3k mem3k m3mek kontol k0ntol k0nt0l kont0l pler babi b4bi b4b1 anjing anjink anj1ng 4njing 4nj1ng anjink anj1nk 4njink 4nj1nk nonok n0n0k non0k n0nok lonte L0nte l0nt3 FUCK Motherlicker Bitch jancok asu no2k
ok...i'll test :D
http://joxi.ru/gkrD8vy1fEJqrp Spwan every seconds
Notice flood every seconds times, how to disable ??
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