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Последнее сообщение от AndreyFromChina
Любая версия sTASKedit v102+
my rar files compressed by winrar v5.5,the early versions may not be open。 the language_cn I have compared with game's description of some goods。such as 气魄, Rey35 's translation is wrong。he's translation is 盛世。 now i use the zip file compressed the language files。 language_cn.zip https://yadi.sk/d/hgzly16H3UegRi Этот файл переводится мной. В чем проблема? 一些翻译有错误,我修正了部分翻译。你可以下载我的语言文件看看 ----你用的这个语言文件,就是我翻译的.
Любая версия sTASKedit v102+
Fool your translation is incomplete my rar files compressed by winrar v5.5,the early versions may not be open。 the language_cn I have compared with game's description of some goods。such as 气魄, Rey35 's translation is wrong。he's translation is 盛世。 now i use the zip file compressed the language files。 language_cn.zip https://yadi.sk/d/hgzly16H3UegRi Этот файл переводится мной. В чем проблема?