Please, let me ask the interface. Name the file containing it. Thank..!
I have a character code . Storehouse and part generalcard , it has to be placed on the commodity character . I can copy it over the other characters ?
Дружище у тебя просто не хватает текстур от GFX. Problem in GFX.PCK. Тяни по новой gfx.pck. all completely folder gfx.pck gfx . I know it's not your fault ?
Sorry I use English in Russia Forum , please . I am encountering errors gfx . I did find enough ways to overcome but anyone can tell me what it error ? Thank you very much
iptables pomozhet chytka I need iptables structure you can list what to protect port 80 and 29000
Does anyone help me out !!!
Yes.I can Why you ask, if you can? No , I do not know against DDoS . I need someone to teach me how to fight DDoS Thank you very much
We can help you not Yes.I can
Hello everyone. How to prevent DDOS servers Who can help me not
Troubleshooting by encoding characters. close topic
Hello. Please let me know what error . This model can not be displayed on the game . anyone guide me how to fix them ?