Please, let me ask the interface. Name the file containing it. Thank..!
I have a character code . Storehouse and part generalcard , it has to be placed on the commodity character . I can copy it over the other characters ?
Sorry I use English in Russia Forum , please . I am encountering errors gfx . I did find enough ways to overcome but anyone can tell me what it error ? Thank you very much
Hello everyone. How to prevent DDOS servers Who can help me not
Hello. Please let me know what error . This model can not be displayed on the game . anyone guide me how to fix them ?
Hello everyone. I have a question on duty on weekdays . For example at 10 o'clock will appear NPC and the owners and players will receive the mission NPC boss appears that the completion of the task . Who can help me?
hello . I would like to add an event notification system id of time Example : 21h appeared event and I want to have a message ( red ) to let people know . I added how it performs ? Automatic notification system
It is an error, when I create one manually update files .CUP V - files exist
How to put it in another location that I want . What can you please guide
Who can share me please <variable name = " meridian_data " type = " octets " >..................... Full of all the online reincarnation [ATTACH]
I know this error is to replace the icon surface . But it is not known how it is in any position ?
I know all skill effect control by GS but how to edit effect of this skill become SELF CAST ONLY Show me how to edit gs with this skill or can share me gs fixed. Very thanks you!
What to do for GM used. Players do not have the right to use it . I've tried but have failed this site . Who can help me . I want to remove it
I have a question about the time server debian linux server . How to synchronize the server time server PW with time on the computer ( server time correction debian local time ) Please I use google translate
Sorry use google translate How to get characters like the kids on images ?
Я извиняюсь , я использовал Google Translate Кто может сказать мне смысл перечисленных выше ценностей? Он открыт xx.ecm
Я спросил, что случилось ! 1.3.6 сервер, на полной модели Но на сервере 1.5.1 ,отсутствие Хотя все сделано правильно полной модели и GFX . Любой , пожалуйста, скажите мне, что это такое?
Найти , где можно получить данные модели оружия .. Пожалуйста, помогите ... Я благодарю --- добавлено: 9 мар 2015 в 20:46 --- изображение